Are you ready for a new chapter in your life ?

I’m Blake

And I am not here to hold your hand through your life crisis and tell
you nicely that everything is going to be ok…

I am a Life Coach and I am here to get you results , to change your life , to help you overcome your life crisis , discover your true potential and build a better life, by pushing you to be the best version of yourself.”

Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a chance to build something better this time!
My entire life has been a huge roller coster ride, but somehow I’ve always manage to land on my feet .

I’ve been in situations that forced me grow quicker than others . I’ve lived through it , I learned from it , I’ve survived and I ended up building the life I want. So whatever it is that you’re currently going through right now, you will get through that too.
But I am not gone bore you with a long story about my life , more about that in my forthcoming book. ..

My personality , my life experiences , my knowledge and a strong wish to continually grow , improve and achieve all my goals , brought me here today to help you build the life you desire.

Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs : the future can be better than the present , and I have the power to make it so. Though no one can go back and make a brand new start , anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Using effective techniques from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy , Positive Psychology , Results Coaching and many more, together we will work to give you a clear picture of your priorities, values and goals .

We will identify your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from unlocking your extraordinary life , you will learn how to value your time , eliminate distractions and things that don’t serve a purpose for your higher goals . Each conversation and every interaction should be an investment that adds to your life and helps you build the future you’ve been looking for.

We will build an action plan to help you move forward and achieve your goals and I will keep you accountable between sessions , making sure you are completing your tasks.

The distance between your dreams and reality is called action . So whatever situation you are in right now , don’t forget you are driving your own life!

” PS: I haven’t always been here…I am a foreigner and as many other foreigners, when I arrived in London , I had to start from zero.

So ” I have walked the talk” , I have built that life that I want ( and always building more ) and if I could do it so can you ! And that’s why I am here, to show you how.

Please don’t hesitate to email me and book one of my 30 minute FREE Life Coaching consulting and assessment online session .

We can figure out together how a Life Coaching Programme can help you move forward with your life.
